May 9, 2004

Journey of Hope Lesson 2: Peace Amid Scared moment

March 8, 2004
Dear Praying Friends,
Praise the Lord! My father can talk again!

One day after I heard of father's emergent situation that he lost his ability to speak, swallow water and a bit unconscious, I was on my way to Taipei without knowing if ever to talk with him again on this earth.

Direct from airport to hospital, I was relieved and joyful that father was saved again by the Grace of God! Even his doctor was quite amazed by the improvements on Monday. The initial diagnosis is that he might have a minor stroke or temporary lack of oxygen in the brain. We are waiting for the result of CT scan.

But in general, he is still very weak and needs to watch carefully for the water in his lung to prevent pneumonia. Even though his body needs a lot of nutrition, he can only eat a little by himself.(He is not using feeding tube.)

One thing I am very grateful is that father pray fervently with us. His favorite prayers are "I am a child of God. Grace is sufficient for me. Do not be afraid, only believe and trust."

Please continue to pray for my family. I do not know what the future will hold, but I do know who holds my hand today and tomorrow. Everyday indeed is a precious gift from God.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3

Gratefully Yours,
Lydia Lin

My father has pneumonia and is in ICU March 10, 2004
Dear praying friends,
Things get another dramatic turn and my father has pneumonia and is in ICU now. He has all kinds of tubes on him. We cannot visit him except half an hour twice a day. Please pray that he has peace and do not feel lonely in ICU. I entrust him totally to the Lord now.

In His Grace,

Urgent: A Decision to Unplug Soon March 12, 2004
Dear Praying Friends,
Please pray fervently with me about the decision to unplug the breathing tube from my father!

We have a deferent opinion about this decision in our family. According to three doctors and my own judgment, it's not end stage yet. But we put the tubes in emergency without consulting my father's decision. He was quite upset when he woke up. My sister was very sorry that we made this decision for him and wants to unplug. But as soon as he is unplugging, he will die.

So please pray that we made the best decision this time. Please give us wisdom, O my Lord!

In His Grace,

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