May 10, 2004

Journey of Hope Lesson 1: Not By Sight

February 11, 2004
Dear Praying Friends,
As the year turns, I am thankful for so many warm responses from many of you! A hug, a smile, a cheer and the affirmation that your prayers are still with us, all those are blessings that I treasure very much!

I don’t know how to describe my feelings now. That’s why I keep delaying this letter. Two cold and rainy weeks in Taiwan, only saw gray skies. Even sent “I’ve got flu” message back to LA. Now that I am under the ever-blue sky in Torrance, but my heart is really somewhere else ……

The doctor concludes that all the chemotherapy is no longer effective for my father. So he has stopped all treatment for father’s lymphoma. Even though father could still make the trip to my hometown during Chinese New Year, I can see his physical body is getting weaker day by day. He mentions to me several times that his day is near. This makes me very sad.

I am thankful that father keeps his faith strong. He takes what happens as his lot and utters no complaint. Please pray that he feels loved and peaceful every day. Pray that the new pain medication will not cause difficulty for his urine so he can take the medication instead of suffering abdominal pain at night. I am grateful for every prayer you remember!

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

With Gratitude,
Lydia Lin

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